Jasco Circular Dichroism Spectrophotometer
- Install Date: 1/26/2022
- Model: J-1500-150
- Serial Number: D067961638
- Location: CB-016A
- Installer contact information:
- Instrument install CD (Windows 10): Jasco-CD-Installer.iso
- Software Product Key: PLT-YMX-01301483
- Supplemental Peltier manual CD: isoFile
- Standard Operating Procedure: Not available yet
Nitrogen Generator
- Manufacturer: Apex
- Model: Nevis 10C
- serial number: 10283
- manufacturer contact: karen@apexgasgenerators.com
- Nitrogen Generator: manual
My Notes
Nitrogen generator requires a 20 A circuit.
The reason they use aluminum mirrors. Aluminum has the highest reflectance in the UV/VIS region.
The reason you need a nitrogen purge
- In the UV below 240 nm the Xenon lamp can generare ozone from oxygen. Ozone can damage the optics.
- Oxygen abosorbs in the UV region. The xenon lamp already has very low emission intensity in that region
- Emission profile of some sources:
Linearly polarized light can be thought of as the superposition of right-hand circularly polarized light and left-hand circularly polarized light. See this youtube video for an excellent discussion.
How to disable automatic updates on Windows 10. I did this on the computer during the instrument install.
- launch services app
- find Windows Update
- select disable
- Click apply, ok, and stop